Dec 31, 2011

Smoky New Year's Eve in Lübeck

On the afternoon of December 31, people disappeared from the streets in Lübeck.

Dec 30, 2011

Sunrise at the Lake Alster

It was not clear, not many clouds, and not crowded morning in Hamburg.

Dec 29, 2011

A brief moment with a clear sky in Hamburg

This is a view from a top of a church tower in Hamburg.

Dec 28, 2011

Brick Red Town, Lüneburg

Lüneburg is the typical German town which Japanese children expect!

Dec 27, 2011

Dec 26, 2011

After Christmas in Leipzig

Although stores were closed, people went window-shopping.

Dec 25, 2011

Dec 24, 2011

Christmas Eve in the Thomas church

I was very impressed by the Christmas Eve service there.

Dec 23, 2011

Leipzig with the Christmas decorations

It was the first time for me to visit  the Eastern Germany.

Dec 18, 2011

Almost winter in Kyoto

There were few yellow and red leaves in Kyoto.

Dec 17, 2011

Dec 15, 2011

Autum in my office

The foot pavements were covered with yellow leaves in my office.

Dec 10, 2011

Autum in the central Tokyo

There were beautiful ginkgo trees with yellow leaves in the central Tokyo.

Dec 4, 2011

Nov 27, 2011

Nobel Laureate?

Yes, I got it!!
No, just kidding.
This is a replica medal.

Nov 25, 2011

Nov 19, 2011

Oct 30, 2011

A small, small shrine near my apartment

This is a very small shrine near my apartment. It's a calm place to visit.

Oct 2, 2011

Town festival in western Japan

It's one of the Japanese traditional dances which expresses the Japanese old tale.

Aug 12, 2011

Stare at Scala

Someday I'd like to enjoy Opera here.

Aug 11, 2011

Aug 10, 2011

Lovery village with flowers

It's colorful season--- flowers, the walls of houses and signs.

Aug 9, 2011

Incredible lake and mountains views

The clarity of this lake is so incredible that you can see the reflection of mountains on water surface.

Aug 8, 2011

Peaceful day in the countryside

It is a very peaceful day with blue skies and clean air.

Aug 7, 2011

A World Historic site, Dolomite Mountains, with dark clouds.

I am fascinated with interesting mountain shapes and interesting houses.

Aug 6, 2011

Nice sunny day in Northern Italy

This is a typical local restaurant in Northern Italy.

Aug 5, 2011

Aug 4, 2011

Great organ in Bergamo

The organ is decorated with angels and beautiful paintings.

Jul 29, 2011

Shrine in Sendai

I went to Sendai for a business, where was affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Jul 17, 2011

Imperial Park

Tokyo is too hot to walk around this summer.

Jul 16, 2011

Returned to my old organ school

My organ teacher said, "Wow, you played the organ in the American style!"

Jun 4, 2011

Dr. Fish therapy

I was uncomfortable with Dr. Fish therapy!

May 28, 2011

Sushi-go-round restaurant in Japan

I was surprised at a Sushi-go-round restaurant which has been improved.

May 24, 2011

May 22, 2011

Gorgeous Organ in NYC

Luckily, I had an opportunity to practice this organ which has 6,000 pipes and is one of the best organs in NYC.

May 21, 2011

May 18, 2011

May 17, 2011

At Applebees

I drank the Long Island Iced tea in the Long Island.

May 13, 2011

Steak! Steak! Steak!

It was the farewell party in Peter Luger Stakehouse.

May 10, 2011

Columbus Circle with Yellow cabs

I don't know how many times I visited here.

Masteclass in the Staten Island

I took an organ masterclass which a famous French organist had in this church.

May 8, 2011

May 7, 2011

Upper West in NYC

I walked around the Riverside Park in NYC.

May 1, 2011

I love this town.

It is very beautiful view from my room in Long Island.

Apr 30, 2011

Cherry blossom in Central Park

It is very beautiful tunnel with cherry blossom.

Apr 28, 2011

Rainy Central Park

It was rain, but filled with fresh green.